Gondizalves shrines in Braga completed

We started 2025 in the best possible way, with the completion of the intervention project in the shrines of Santo André, in the parish of Gondizalves, in Braga.

The metal painting on the inside of the altar came to us in very poor condition because it was exposed outside, but also because of the smoke from the candles that are placed there. The conservation and restoration work therefore involved cleaning (front and back), fixing and consolidating the polychromy, filling in gaps, colour integration and a protective layer.

As there was no information available to reconstruct some areas of the painting, we opted for a differentiated integration technique, giving a suggestion of what might be there through colour, but not defining the shapes. In terms of the stone, it was necessary to treat the joints, clean the surface, remove biological colonisation, micro-stucco and reintegrate and protect the stone surface.

The Signinum also treated the metal elements - the alms box and the guard rail - and installed a glass.