Signinum, Cultural Heritage Management was born in 2001 to respond to a market that is increasingly demanding in the preservation of heritage legacy and memories. Its purpose is to respond to the entire cycle of heritage management, to make it alive, active and present in people's lives.
Since its inception, Signinum's main mission has been to think about Conservation and Restoration, developing projects, mainly in buildings with historical interest in urban centers, churches, museums, archaeological centers, charming units with historical value, among others. For Signinum, conservation and restoration are the purest art of bringing back to life the artistic and cultural heritage that surrounds every community.
In heritage recovery, in addition to the intervention itself, Signinum has developed parallel actions to promote, publicize and raise awareness in the communities where the buildings are located. Making heritage better known is adding value to it. The legacy and memory of the spaces of all and for all.
In addition to the intervention itself, Signinum has undertaken parallel actions to promote, disseminate, and raise awareness among the communities where the buildings are located. Making heritage better known adds value to it. The legacy and memory of these spaces belong to everyone and are meant to be shared with everyone.
We believe that, with our work, we can make the world a better place. Combining traditional know-how with new technologies, we want not only to preserve, but also to value Heritage and make it reachable and enjoyable by as many people as possible. We are like a time machine that allows heritage to pass through generations, to remain alive and to provide positive and transforming experiences to those who visit it.
Our goal is that each of these visits contributes to the process of community education and the creation of new memories. Not only in Portugal, but all over the world. Making heritage better known and adding value to it is, from the beginning, our mission.
In all the work we do, these are the main values that guide us: commitment, respect, honesty, sustainability, creativity, innovation, education, resilience, and, of course, quality. This is the only way we can set standards that respond to today's challenges. These are our primary foundations, and we intend to promote all our values to all projects and stakeholders that deal with us.