Rehabilitation of the Chapel of Senhora das Candeias inaugurated

On 7th of December, the parish of Tadim, in Braga, inaugurated the rehabilitation of the chapel of Our Lady of Candeias. The ceremony was attended by the Archbishop of Braga, José Cordeiro, and the local councillor for Município de Braga, João Rodrigues, and the president of Junta de Tadim, Rolando Vilaça.

"I would like to emphasise the dedication of the architect Sérgio Borges and the technical competence of the company's team Signinum, that led this intervention with rigour and respect for the historical and spiritual value of the space". These words were shared by parish priest João Torres, whom we would like to thank for the trust he placed in Signinum to be part of this work, which is so significant for the community.
Signinum was responsible for the roof, ceiling, wall treatment, electrical installation and fire and intrusion safety.

The first references of the Chapel of Nossa Senhora das Candeias date back to 1548.